Signs That Your Water Heater Needs Servicing

Our water heaters are an essential part of our daily routines, providing us with hot water for cooking, cleaning, and bathing. But, just like any other home appliance, water heaters may need servicing, replacement, or repair at some point. In fact, it’s necessary to get regular checks on your water heater to ensure its longevity and avoid costly repairs. In this blog post, we will discuss some signs that indicate when your water heater needs servicing.

Increased Bills:

One of the most apparent signs that your water heater needs servicing is that your utility bills have increased without any significant change in your daily usage. This means that your water heater may not be functioning as efficiently and is consuming more energy to heat the water. Hiring a professional to service your water heater can help you save valuable money on your bills.

Strange Noises:

If you hear a rumbling or banging noise coming from your water heater, it is a red flag that it needs servicing. Such noises are often caused due to the sediment build-up inside the system. This is not only a nuisance but can also lead to significant damage to your water heater system.


Another sign that your water heater needs servicing is if you notice any water leakage around the heater. Water leakage is a sign of a leaky tank or a broken valve, which requires immediate attention. Ignoring water leaks can lead to severe water damage in your home.

Reduced Hot Water Supply:

If your water heater is providing less hot water than usual, it could be a red flag. The root cause of this issue can be anything from a malfunctioning thermostat to a leak in the piping system. Only a skilled professional can determine the cause and make the necessary repairs.


Finally, it is crucial to consider the age of your water heater when determining if it needs servicing. Most water heaters have a lifespan of ten years or less and can start exhibiting signs of wear and tear as they age. Regular servicing can help prolong the life span of your water heater and save you from needing expensive replacements.

Regular water heater servicing can help you avoid costly repairs and replacements, reduce your energy bills, and keep your home safe and protected. If you experience any of the signs mentioned above, it’s essential to contact a professional to service or repair your water heater immediately. Remember, by investing in regular servicing, you can keep your water heater functioning at peak performance, reduce energy consumption, and extend its longevity.

Contact a local company to learn more about water heater services.

440 Words

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Understanding Residential Plumbing Hello. I’m Sam Fernandez. Welcome to my website about residential plumbing. On this website, you can explore all of the different tools used to clear drains and perform repairs on your home’s plumbing system. My site will also cover the various techniques used to keep pipes flowing freely without any leaks. Your visits to my site will give you insights on the plumbing practices that help keep your home in excellent shape. Please feel free to come by anytime to build your understanding about the professional approaches used in the plumbing world. Thank you for coming to visit my site.


